1.   During the Second World War the whole economic effort centred on supplying and employing sufficient quantities of labour and materials.

2.   How did they obtain sufficient quantities of food to survive?

3.   However the Market will not provide a sufficient quantity of public goods.

4.   Iceland possesses sufficient quantities of clean energy sources that it does not need to rely on fossil fuels.

5.   In which case, it is impossible to see how the plesiosaurs could obtain sufficient quantities of food to survive.

6.   Make sure lettuce is available all the time and in sufficient quantity.

7.   Money alone and in sufficient quantities can qualify virtually any measure for the ballot.

8.   The proposal is reproduced in sufficient quantities and is received by the granting organization.

9.   The resources, whether material or human, are not there in anything like sufficient quantities, it is said.

10.   Cheap goods are available, but not in sufficient quantities to satisfy demand.

a. + quantity >>共 255
large 33.09%
small 12.10%
huge 4.87%
limited 4.61%
unknown 4.02%
vast 3.47%
larger 2.14%
sufficient 1.55%
great 1.55%
greater 1.44%
sufficient + n. >>共 738
evidence 11.02%
number 3.24%
fund 2.94%
time 2.94%
support 2.34%
supply 2.07%
information 2.07%
resource 1.64%
reason 1.57%
quantity 1.40%
每页显示:    共 42