1.   An independent study had determined the USOC would be more successful if it brought in a CEO and a strong professional staff, and kept volunteers at a distance.

2.   A Court Watch study determined that the court was showing more sympathy for plaintiffs.

3.   A new study has determined that Hollywood could sustain itself as a city apart from Los Angeles.

4.   A six-month study determined they were more comfortable than standard uniforms, and less intimidating to the public.

5.   But Eakin said the study will determine just what those advantages over fiberboard are worth in the market.

6.   But in the most confounding cases, researchers must rely on exhaustive psychological studies to determine suicidal motives, leaving definitive answers unknown.

7.   Center director Robert S. DiPaola said study has determined the herbs can cause serious side effects, such as loss of libido and blood clots.

8.   Consequently, the study could not determine if one type of bacteria was superior to the other in suppressing diarrhea, Yolken said.

9.   Dental studies determined that James was missing a couple of front teeth when he died.

10.   Earlier census studies determined that more than half of recent movers had lived elsewhere in the same metropolitan area.

n. + determine >>共 918
investigator 5.75%
official 5.32%
doctor 3.98%
authority 2.99%
police 2.52%
test 2.50%
court 2.05%
investigation 2.00%
judge 1.98%
expert 1.46%
study 0.99%
study + v. >>共 367
show 17.40%
find 13.47%
be 11.21%
suggest 6.62%
say 5.63%
indicate 2.87%
conclude 1.77%
look 1.24%
have 1.21%
confirm 1.02%
determine 0.34%
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