1.   After an uneasy eighteen months he was in a stronger position than any Conservative leader since Lord Salisbury.

2.   Further asset sales from breaking up ConsGold will put it in an even stronger position from which to launch further takeovers.

3.   The community broadcasters are in a stronger position than ever before to establish credibility at a nationwide level.

4.   The defendant, through an insurance company, is often in a much stronger bargaining position than the plaintiff.

5.   This puts theology in a much stronger position to accept the challenge posed by historians and philosophers.

6.   The PCC considered that the dialogue with the USA had reached deadlock and that the PLO should seek other ways of dealing with Washington from a stronger negotiating position.

7.   Is the lessee then in a stronger position and the lessor in a weaker position?

8.   Financially and commercially, we are in a far stronger position than the other clubs.

9.   This meant a shift in the burden of taxation towards workers, reducing the extent to which their take home pay benefited from their stronger bargaining position.

10.   Another sector for a likely war is in so-called new age beverages, with Pepsi in a stronger position than Coke.

a. + position >>共 771
new 4.12%
scoring 2.25%
serb 2.19%
same 2.00%
strong 1.70%
israeli 1.69%
better 1.65%
top 1.56%
key 1.39%
good 1.34%
stronger 0.69%
stronger + n. >>共 1016
dollar 14.86%
yen 5.33%
growth 2.70%
economy 2.49%
currency 2.37%
action 2.06%
position 2.06%
tie 1.74%
demand 1.63%
measure 1.61%
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