stronger dollar 66.43   The stronger U.S. dollar depressed sales.
  stronger yen 23.83   But a stronger yen could become a problem.
  stronger growth 12.05   Last year, Chernomyrdin predicted even stronger growth.
  stronger economy 11.13   A stronger economy makes such rate cuts less likely.
  stronger currency 10.60   Stocks were helped by a stronger currency.
  stronger action 9.22   Some urged even stronger action.
  stronger position 9.22   That would leave Clemens in an even stronger position.
  stronger tie 7.77   Both men favour stronger ties with Russia.
  stronger demand 7.31   Stronger demand lifted wool prices this week.
  stronger measure 7.18   Stronger measures were required.
  stronger peso 6.71   Equities got a boost from a stronger peso.
  stronger role 4.34   Both advocate a stronger federal role in education.
  stronger sale 3.88   Home sales stronger.
  stronger bond 3.69   Stronger U.S. bonds also helped gilts.
  stronger presence 3.23   A stronger international presence.
  stronger wind 3.09   Wind stronger near thunderstorms.
  stronger language 2.96   Of course he uses stronger language.
  stronger company 2.76   They say the mergers make the companies stronger.
  stronger team 2.76   We became a stronger team.
  stronger case 2.63   Israel has the stronger legal case.
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