1.   He uses his experiences to help other stroke sufferers.

2.   Heart patients are not at risk from the thinners, because the treatment has different effects on heart patients and stroke sufferers, he said.

3.   The goal was to see if PPA use was more common among stroke sufferers than among healthy people.

n. + sufferer >>共 93
allergy 14.15%
asthma 12.58%
migraine 7.55%
cancer 6.92%
arthritis 5.03%
flu 4.72%
pain 2.83%
dementia 2.52%
plague 1.89%
disease 1.89%
stroke 1.26%
stroke + n. >>共 118
patient 14.61%
victim 14.38%
back 8.54%
play 6.74%
treatment 3.15%
risk 2.92%
symptom 2.70%
day 2.02%
lead 1.80%
average 1.80%
sufferer 0.90%
每页显示:    共 4