1.   And many of those issues are now starting to land in the state trial and appeals courts.

2.   And it comes well before the state trial on murder charges, in which a guilty verdict could mean the death penalty.

3.   At his state trial, which has not yet been scheduled, he faces first-degree murder charges for which he can receive the death penalty.

4.   Attorney Anthony Brooklier, who worked on the state trial, is now handling both the appeal and the federal case.

5.   Bob Macy, the Oklahoma County district attorney, has long promised a state trial, and now large numbers of people here cannot live with anything less.

6.   Both men are jailed in Jalisco state awaiting trial.

7.   A state trial on murder charges will come later.

8.   A not-guilty verdict in a capital murder state trial in which the death penalty is sought is rare in Harris County.

9.   A state trial court overturned that decision, however, and found the women guilty of housing discrimination.

a. + trial >>共 426
clinical 13.61%
new 9.12%
fair 6.84%
criminal 4.83%
first 4.61%
olympic 2.79%
second 2.62%
civil 2.49%
federal 2.10%
separate 2.04%
state 0.74%
state + n. >>共 633
official 6.11%
law 4.95%
government 3.70%
television 3.31%
radio 2.82%
court 2.51%
police 2.07%
visit 1.93%
legislature 1.68%
agency 1.48%
trial 0.14%
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