1.   Harold Laski said Beatrice Webb should have been a medieval abbess, where her organising ability would have gained a spiritual dimension.

2.   I mean, what about the spiritual dimension?

3.   Just as there is a material dimension there is a spiritual dimension.

4.   The solution might well be an ecumenical link, or a secular organisation where we could bring a spiritual dimension.

5.   The spiritual dimension in creative effort comes from that honest pursuit.

6.   What happens when the spiritual dimension is recognised in treatment and rehabilitation?

7.   You can have a spiritual dimension to your life without being religious.

8.   All this would have fostered among lay people awareness of a spiritual dimension to life.

a. + dimension >>共 391
new 16.10%
political 4.84%
human 3.85%
extra 3.70%
spiritual 3.33%
different 2.80%
added 2.49%
moral 1.66%
religious 1.44%
important 1.44%
spiritual + n. >>共 855
leader 18.29%
adviser 2.66%
life 2.34%
movement 2.09%
value 1.46%
journey 1.43%
home 1.36%
center 1.21%
experience 1.16%
dimension 1.11%
每页显示:    共 44