1.   Her role as spiritual adviser, teacher and leader typifies the value of women in the Church.

2.   The investigator, bag man and spiritual adviser.

3.   Their spiritual adviser, their role model and beau celebre, was Willis In-Your-Face Mack.

4.   Another spiritual adviser, the Rev. Tony Campolo, is an American Baptist who teaches sociology at Eastern College in Pennsylsvania.

5.   At that brink of disaster, you do not go to your spiritual adviser or your spouse, nor your lawyer or broker.

6.   At least four of them have consulted with spiritual advisers before making important decisions.

7.   At least four of them have consulted with spiritual advisers, both corporal and intangible, before making important decisions.

8.   A spiritual adviser has premises in the rear.

9.   A spiritual adviser will watch too, if the condemned man wants one.

10.   Both bills protect information received by a religious leader in his or her role as a spiritual adviser.

a. + adviser >>共 429
financial 13.21%
senior 11.29%
top 7.47%
economic 5.23%
military 4.89%
presidential 4.73%
legal 4.59%
political 4.55%
former 3.66%
special 3.37%
spiritual 2.14%
spiritual + n. >>共 855
leader 18.29%
adviser 2.66%
life 2.34%
movement 2.09%
value 1.46%
journey 1.43%
home 1.36%
center 1.21%
experience 1.16%
dimension 1.11%
每页显示:    共 105