1.   A spirit of cooperation is the key to a constructive partnership between the media and the public.

2.   Her high spirits are generally contagious.

3.   Her spirits were at their lowest ebb.

4.   His spirit was as warlike as ever, but he could no longer offer effective military leadership.

5.   His spirits were so low that he refused to answer his phone.

6.   It seemed that a malevolent spirit was out to get me.

7.   She was tired and her spirits were low.

8.   The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and working in our midst.

9.   The spirits are very jealous, Manshin Ahjima explained.

n. + be >>共 1635
problem 0.82%
people 0.79%
company 0.71%
result 0.67%
thing 0.63%
report 0.57%
question 0.56%
official 0.55%
time 0.53%
issue 0.48%
spirit 0.03%
spirit + v. >>共 278
be 35.78%
move 2.19%
seem 2.00%
come 1.91%
soar 1.62%
rise 1.62%
prevail 1.53%
remain 1.34%
help 1.15%
live_on 1.15%
每页显示:    共 373