1.   Address further speculations to soc.history.what-if via an Internet service provider near you.

2.   Carville likens the endless speculations to those that once dominated Carville family discussions of a nephew named Jo Jo, who had cancer but recovered.

3.   Content ranges from questions by newcomers to expert analysis to speculation to market research from contributors scattered all over the country.

4.   Hundreds of astronomers plan to bring their observations, calculations, deductions and speculations to a meeting that the National Aeronautics and Space Agency plans in Washington this fall.

5.   In the first two days of covering the terrorist attacks on America, newsies showed restraint, kept speculation to a minimum and conveyed the enormity of the event.

6.   John Maynard Keynes once compared stock market speculation to a beauty contest.

7.   Last month, however, when the Coyotes were in Pittsburgh, Lemieux finally tucked all the speculation to bed.

8.   In a speech Monday night to Socialist members in the northwestern town of Ourense, Gonzalez put such speculation to rest.

9.   WBA champion Evander Holyfield, putting weeks of speculation to rest, has agreed to fight in Beijing next year.

n. + to >>共 1468
trip 1.94%
end 1.15%
letter 0.93%
approach 0.86%
close 0.79%
aid 0.74%
service 0.72%
damage 0.69%
tie 0.68%
flight 0.66%
speculation 0%
speculation + p. >>共 42
about 41.27%
in 13.78%
of 13.31%
on 7.58%
over 6.96%
by 2.81%
for 2.62%
among 2.52%
as 1.90%
against 1.53%
to 0.33%
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