1.   For example, you could start with soy nuts on a salad, or use soy crumbles in a taco.

2.   High in protein and isoflavones, soy nuts are similar in texture and flavor to peanuts.

3.   Nibble on soy nuts.

4.   Roasted soy nuts are whole soybeans that have been soaked in water and then baked until browned.

5.   Soy nuts can be found in a variety of flavors, including chocolate-covered.

6.   You can find roasted soy nuts in natural food stores and through mail-order catalogs.

n. + nut >>共 156
sport 4.27%
conspiracy 3.66%
golf 3.35%
gun 3.05%
hickory 2.74%
slip 2.74%
hockey 2.74%
wire 2.44%
ground 2.44%
health 2.44%
soy 1.83%
soy + n. >>共 104
product 23.67%
meal 13.71%
oil 13.32%
milk 7.37%
protein 5.69%
bean 4.53%
price 4.27%
flour 1.68%
food 1.55%
market 1.55%
nut 0.78%
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