sport nut 0.92   Sports nut is more like it.
  conspiracy nut 0.79   I want to be a conspiracy nut.
  golf nut 0.72   A golf nut.
  gun nut 0.66   Gun nuts are the problem.
  hickory nut 0.59   Gathering hickory nuts.
  hockey nut 0.59   In a better world, some billionaire hockey nut would buy this team.
  slip nut 0.59   Tighten the slip nuts.
  ground nut 0.53   Add the ground nuts and all-purpose flour.
  health nut 0.53   They are also health nuts.
  wire nut 0.53   Use wire nuts to join the wires.
  car nut 0.39   Car nuts love Florence.
  kola nut 0.39   The firm that makes Formula One has since removed the kola nut.
  pinon nut 0.39   Coffee roasted with pinon nuts.
  soy nut 0.39   Nibble on soy nuts.
  corn nut 0.33   Corn nuts are salted driveway gravel.
  people nut 0.33   Reggie says these things because he enjoys driving people nuts.
  right-wing nut 0.33   You decide to become a right-wing nut.
  tree nut 0.33   Nobody is sure why peanuts, a legume more related to soy than tree nuts, are so allergenic.
  baseball nut 0.26   Baseball nut and minor league team owner.
  train nut 0.26   Gene Russianoff is not a train nut.
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