1.   These adjustments, incidentally, portray the concept of consumer sovereignty at work.

2.   Bioprospecting for commercial gain puts Indian sovereignty at risk, argued COMPITCH attorney Juan Ignacio Dominguez.

3.   For example, in a breakfast talk with Sharon a few days before his reassertion of sovereignty at the Temple Mount, I asked about Iraq.

4.   Palestinians claim sovereignty at the site in the name of Islam.

5.   Chinese demonstrators say sovereignty at stake, demand apology.

6.   The deployment is one of the most sensitive issues surrounding the switch of sovereignty at midnight Monday.

7.   Hong Kong will revert to Chinese sovereignty at midnight.

8.   Tokyo has demanded Beijing hand over the five North Koreans, arguing China flouted Japanese sovereignty at the diplomatic mission.

9.   The agreement will include troop reductions on both sides of the frontier, although sovereignty at the eastern section remains a sticking point.

n. + at >>共 1572
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year 0.56%
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sovereignty 0%
sovereignty + p. >>共 33
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of 16.39%
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to 3.81%
for 2.41%
by 1.87%
as 1.20%
with 1.07%
on 0.94%
from 0.67%
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