sovereignty over 59.51   No sovereignty over Haram al Sharif.
  sovereignty of 16.13   The sovereignties of each of us must be respected.
  sovereignty in 7.18   Hong Kong reverts to Chinese sovereignty in July.
  sovereignty to 3.75   Bosnian Serbs have added sovereignty to their list of demands.
  sovereignty for 2.37   Taipei insists on independent sovereignty for the island.
  sovereignty by 1.84   Any assertion of sovereignty by China, Britain treated as potentially the next Tiananmen.
  sovereignty as 1.18   Britain sees the principle of shared sovereignty as the definitive solution.
  sovereignty with 1.05   Britain is fiercely opposed to any further pooling of sovereignty with its EU partners.
  sovereignty on 0.92   Spain contends it boiled down to issues of sovereignty on the high seas.
  sovereignty from 0.66   Sovereignty from whom?
  sovereignty at 0.59   Hong Kong will revert to Chinese sovereignty at midnight.
  sovereignty within 0.46   Previously its goal had been state sovereignty within a reformed Soviet Union.
  sovereignty after 0.26   Barak has assured the settlers that many of their communities will remain under Israeli sovereignty after a peace agreement.
  sovereignty in_exchange_for 0.26   Maori surrendered partial sovereignty in exchange for guaranteed land, forests and fisheries rights.
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