1.   Such software offers add-ons such as modules to estimate quantities, labour costs, and labour schedules.

2.   Software should offer the opportunity for the teacher and pupils to learn together.

3.   And the software will offer a performance boost that smoothes the jerky movement of current home-based videophones to make it look more like slow-motion.

4.   By systematically and selectively highlighting specific colors on the edges of characters displayed on a screen, Cleartype software offers the effect of increased resolution.

5.   Even if he did, Rubin said, anti-virus software offers protection only against known viruses.

6.   First, educational software should offer tangible benefits.

7.   He added that encryption software also offered consumers their best weapon against computer criminals.

8.   It works with standard drivers, although its accompanying software offers far more options.

9.   The basic software offers similar advice in text form.

10.   The software offered him three numbers in Wichita and one in Leavenworth.

n. + offer >>共 1413
company 7.22%
government 3.31%
site 2.27%
official 1.67%
program 1.08%
bank 1.05%
school 0.96%
service 0.89%
group 0.89%
state 0.85%
software 0.10%
software + v. >>共 440
be 24.88%
allow 4.53%
let 3.42%
have 3.01%
help 2.41%
make 2.31%
work 2.27%
use 1.85%
include 1.80%
run 1.53%
offer 0.88%
每页显示:    共 19