1.   Left to their own devices, the Confederates dealt poorly with the management problem of their enormous hostile slave population.

2.   Some historians have estimated a slave population in eighth-century Sussex of almost twenty thousand.

3.   This produced a certain cultural and behavioural differentiation in the slave population, among whom language differences must have been highly significant.

4.   Scholars have typically argued that West African spiritual life was confined to the Deep South, where slave populations were large enough to sustain their rituals.

5.   With such a large slave population, it was perhaps inevitable that rumors of uprisings periodically terrified local whites.

n. + population >>共 419
prison 8.64%
minority 6.39%
immigrant 6.15%
majority 5.26%
student 4.60%
fish 3.29%
refugee 2.54%
deer 2.21%
world 2.07%
whale 2.07%
slave 0.28%
slave + n. >>共 152
laborer 26.09%
ship 8.14%
owner 7.09%
trader 4.68%
girl 2.26%
master 2.11%
market 1.96%
worker 1.96%
woman 1.81%
revolt 1.66%
population 0.90%
每页显示:    共 6