slave laborer 11.39   The slave laborers were soon sent home.
  slave ship 3.55   We got on the slave ships together.
  slave owner 3.09   They were not slave owners.
  slave trader 2.04   They are no better than slave traders, he said.
  slave girl 0.99   What it was like was being anointed by some slave girl.
  slave master 0.92   They became slave masters, too.
  slave market 0.86   It was a slave market.
  slave worker 0.86   German firm refuses to compensate slave workers.
  slave woman 0.79   Sexual contact between slave women and their masters was notoriously common.
  slave revolt 0.72   The Confederate government provided troops to suppress slave revolts.
  slave auction 0.66   Five years ago, its re-enactment of a slave auction drew protests from blacks.
  slave rebellion 0.66   The slave rebellion Brown expected did not materialize.
  slave quarter 0.59   The slave quarters were untouched.
  slave descendant 0.53   Slave descendants fight to stop gold mine.
  slave mistress 0.53   An eighth child of Jefferson and his slave mistress, and a New Yorker, at that?
  slave narrative 0.46   His wry recastings of abolitionist slave narratives are based on his own experiences.
  slave population 0.39   Some historians have estimated a slave population in eighth-century Sussex of almost twenty thousand.
  slave camp 0.33   Her father survived a Nazi slave camp.
  slave reparation 0.33   The original plan for slave reparations dates to the waning days of the Civil War.
  slave society 0.33   It is not a slave society.
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