1.   Drain, and place in shallow glass or ceramic dish with bay leaf.

2.   In a shallow glass baking dish, mix together all ingredients for the marinade.

3.   In a shallow glass baking dish just large enough to hold fish, arrange a single layer of sliced onion.

4.   Place fish in shallow glass dish just large enough to hold pieces in single layer.

5.   Place meat or poultry in a shallow glass or ceramic dish.

6.   Place the meat in a shallow glass or ceramic dish.

7.   Place in a shallow glass dish such as a pie plate.

8.   Place in shallow glass or plastic container.

9.   Place meat in shallow glass or ceramic dish.

10.   Place pork chops in a shallow glass or ceramic container and cover with rosemary, apple juice concentrate, and garlic.

a. + glass >>共 942
broken 10.60%
flying 5.95%
dark 4.01%
shattered 2.94%
wine 2.46%
tall 2.14%
thick 2.12%
bulletproof 2.00%
large 1.79%
reading 1.69%
shallow 0.30%
shallow + n. >>共 393
water 14.25%
grave 10.08%
dish 6.87%
bowl 4.50%
pan 4.39%
end 2.36%
pool 2.03%
center 1.63%
right 1.35%
layer 1.24%
glass 0.84%
每页显示:    共 15