1.   The PLO wants to limit the army presence strictly to the settler area.

2.   Israel also demands that a cement wall be built to separate settler areas from Palestinian neighborhoods and retain control over two hills overlooking settler enclaves.

3.   Israel also demands that a concrete wall be built to separate settler areas from Palestinian neighborhoods and to retain control over two hills overlooking settler enclaves.

4.   Israel now wants its troops to remain on hilltops overlooking the settler areas, and to enter Palestinian-controlled areas in pursuit of Palestinian suspects.

5.   Israel now wants its troops to remain on hilltops overlooking the settler areas.

6.   Israel said the market created friction by drawing too many Palestinians to settler areas.

7.   Israel said at the time it wanted to avoid friction, and that the market drew too many Palestinians to settler areas.

8.   Israel also demands to build a cement wall to separate settler areas from Palestinian neighborhoods and retain control over two hills overlooking settler enclaves.

9.   Israel dropped several demands it raised in weeks of talks, including retaining control over the issuing of building permits in areas near the settler areas.

10.   Late Tuesday, shots had been fired from Abu Sneineh at settler areas and Israel troops returned fire, the army said.

n. + area >>共 873
border 6.89%
self-rule 3.20%
ski 2.93%
wilderness 1.66%
storage 1.64%
problem 1.57%
service 1.37%
tourist 1.33%
growth 1.33%
resort 1.17%
settler 0.11%
settler + n. >>共 153
leader 28.89%
enclave 8.53%
spokesman 8.53%
compound 5.32%
movement 3.91%
group 2.51%
source 2.41%
community 2.11%
woman 1.91%
protest 1.50%
area 1.30%
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