1.   All these permits were granted for the stated purpose of accommodating population growth within settler communities.

2.   Just as Javanese farmers have subdivided their holdings into ever tinier plots over the generations, settler communities are beginning to feel the pressure of a growing population.

3.   Sentiment in the settler community is hardly representative of Israel as a whole.

4.   The troop withdrawal enraged the settler community.

5.   Tuesday night, leaders of the Jewish settler community in Hebron expressed outrage and fear.

6.   Today, a settler community that is several thousand strong hovers on a bluff just across the river from the Cofan village.

7.   Hoping to calm settler fears, the premier made overtures to the settler community, but they mostly went unheard.

8.   Israel has agreed to withdraw troops from all the West Bank towns except Hebron, which is the only one that also has a small Jewish settler community.

9.   Settlers have also scuffled with police and soldiers, blaming them for failing to protect the small settler community.

10.   The premier made overtures to the settler community, but they mostly went unheard.

n. + community >>共 608
business 21.44%
minority 6.63%
world 5.57%
retirement 4.34%
intelligence 3.55%
exile 2.97%
immigrant 2.63%
investment 2.24%
bedroom 2.17%
art 2.12%
settler 0.51%
settler + n. >>共 153
leader 28.89%
enclave 8.53%
spokesman 8.53%
compound 5.32%
movement 3.91%
group 2.51%
source 2.41%
community 2.11%
woman 1.91%
protest 1.50%
每页显示:    共 21