1.   If you see some of your players wearing shoes with numbers on the back, they are not going bowling.

2.   We push that edge of sexuality to appeal to people, but basically when I go out and see people wearing Versace, they can be very classic.

3.   When I saw the general manager wearing one, I knew it was OK.

4.   When you begin to see gang-bangers wearing teal, you know how far the mighty have fallen.

v. + wear >>共 119
be 10.70%
arrive 9.59%
come 5.90%
appear 5.17%
emerge 2.58%
include 2.21%
become 2.21%
out 1.85%
walk 1.85%
will 1.85%
see 1.48%
see + v. >>共 427
be 5.67%
come 3.17%
have 2.95%
say 2.38%
happen 1.70%
take 1.70%
go 1.70%
approach 1.25%
mix 1.13%
head 1.02%
wear 0.45%
每页显示:    共 4