1.   It was good to see a reference to me in a fanzine.

2.   For a comprehensive discussion of quality parameters, see reference at the end of this paper.

3.   See the reference to regular members of the personnel sub-committee.

4.   Readers of Transport will no doubt have seen references in the magazine to seminars being held by the TSUG.

5.   As a baseball fan, I was kind of offended to pick up the Monday morning paper and see more references to John Cumberland than to David Cone.

6.   I do not see references to these types of services in your column.

7.   I have seen several references to three-button mice.

8.   I have seen occasional references to Byron, Shelley and Keats, but do not recall Keats ever having been listed first.

9.   I often see references to dual nationality with no explanation.

10.   I thought that the PLO would have gone out of existence after the Palestinian self-rule organization was created, but I continue to see references to both.

v. + reference >>共 233
make 39.29%
include 6.71%
contain 4.72%
remove 2.87%
delete 2.87%
avoid 2.19%
omit 1.92%
check 1.85%
have 1.78%
drop 1.71%
see 1.23%
see + n. >>共 1403
sign 1.33%
reason 1.25%
man 1.18%
thing 1.14%
people 1.07%
doctor 0.95%
action 0.93%
need 0.92%
opportunity 0.89%
lot 0.87%
reference 0.03%
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