make reference 37.79   It made no reference to the PLO.
  include reference 6.45   A late draft included the reference.
  contain reference 4.54   The album contains references to the holocaust.
  delete reference 2.76   This new graf deletes reference to Gs.
  remove reference 2.76   Ministry wrongly removed atrocity reference in book.
  avoid reference 2.11   With Hanspard, there is no avoiding references to religion.
  omit reference 1.84   The English-language edition omitted the reference.
  check reference 1.78   Check references.
  have reference 1.71   Do you have references?
  drop reference 1.65   Drop future references to the issue.
  find reference 1.45   I found references to Indians.
  give reference 1.38   Can you give references from current or previous clients?
  provide reference 1.38   Can you provide references?
  see reference 1.18   It was good to see a reference to me in a fanzine.
  get reference 1.05   Be sure to get references.
  use reference 0.99   He often used biblical references, students added.
  eliminate reference 0.86   This week, the Maricopa Community College system said it had eliminated the reference to Communism.
  take reference 0.86   First of all the company is very serious about taking up references.
  accept reference 0.66   Does the Northern Region accept reference?
  need reference 0.59   When he needed references, the judge wrote them.
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