1.   For Green Bay Packers coach Mike Holmgren, the day began to turn bad long before the score did.

2.   In his campaign last year President Bush pushed a plan to impose a strict testing regimen on schools and punish those where test scores do not show improvement.

3.   National television featured reports on his loft, as did scores of newspapers.

4.   Now, the Israeli does what scores, maybe hundreds, of others in Jerusalem are doing at the same moment.

5.   Perhaps neither did scores of Southern California homeowners and homeowner associations that have brought lawsuits against their builders for construction defects.

6.   So did scores of other people.

7.   The governor of the state of Quintana Roo favors the return of poker and blackjack tables as so do scores of hoteliers.

8.   The rain never arrived, but the low scores did.

9.   The weather changed for the worse Saturday at Pebble Beach, as did the scores.

10.   Welfare took some hits, as did a score of other benefit programs.

n. + do >>共 1367
government 2.91%
company 2.87%
people 2.75%
team 1.85%
man 1.20%
player 1.16%
woman 0.91%
official 0.72%
child 0.67%
state 0.65%
score 0.05%
score + v. >>共 491
be 33.74%
injure 2.20%
go 2.12%
come 2.08%
remain 1.87%
have 1.87%
die 1.83%
improve 1.42%
rise 1.38%
indicate 1.02%
do 0.81%
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