1.   But most Sandinistas are working for the changes with Ramirez and former right-wing supporters of Mrs. Chamorro.

2.   Connerly and his right-wing supporters have been searching for new momentum to carry their attack nationwide.

3.   He told his right-wing supporters that they would be better off staying with his government than risking early elections and a victory by the political opposition.

4.   News reports initially connected the FAX to Mark Koernke of Dexter, Mich., a radical right-wing supporter of anti-government movements.

5.   The staged withdrawals are an integral requirement of the Oslo peace agreements, which Netanyahu, like his right-wing supporters, strongly oppose.

6.   A large police contingent surrounded the anti-nuclear protesters, fearing attacks by radical right-wing supporters of the government who had threatened to break up the demonstration.

7.   It was not clear if any charges would be pressed against its owners, a group of right-wing supporters who generally operate in anonymity.

8.   Many right-wing supporters have even appeared at rallies carrying guns, which many Israelis are authorized to carry in self-defense.

9.   The lawyers and right-wing supporters of Pinochet want Guzman removed from the case, saying he lacks objectivity.

10.   The move upset the Chilean government because he has a diplomatic passport and senator status as a compromise between his right-wing supporters and the new democratic government.

n. + supporter >>共 363
opposition 25.11%
government 8.29%
right 3.97%
rebel 3.48%
abortion 3.24%
independence 3.04%
abortion-rights 2.35%
core 1.91%
flag 1.42%
gore 1.37%
right-wing 0.64%
right-wing + n. >>共 369
group 8.55%
extremist 7.35%
party 6.94%
opposition 5.10%
government 4.00%
politician 4.00%
leader 3.49%
paramilitary 3.03%
conspiracy 2.80%
coalition 1.98%
supporter 0.60%
每页显示:    共 13