1.   Because the Court reverses this judgment, I dissent.

2.   Accordingly, we reverse the judgment of the Court of Appeals.

3.   But three judges of the U.S. Court of Appeals in Richmond have reversed that judgment and, with a blindness that is maddening, held the program unconstitutional.

4.   But upon further review, the judgment is reversed.

5.   For these reasons, I would reverse the judgment of the Court of Appeals.

6.   For these reasons, I would reverse the judgment of the Illinois Supreme Court.

7.   I am quick to make up my mind about pictures and rarely reverse my judgment.

8.   I would reverse the judgment of the Court of Appeals.

9.   Judges who had been appointed by Ashcroft when he was governor of Missouri voted as often or more often to reverse death penalty judgments.

10.   Miscovich tried for seven years to reverse the judgment, but gave up when the US Supreme Court refused to hear his appeal last year.

v. + judgment >>共 274
make 14.72%
reserve 10.12%
pass 8.78%
withhold 5.41%
use 2.57%
cloud 2.14%
exercise 1.93%
enter 1.82%
trust 1.71%
render 1.71%
reverse 1.18%
reverse + n. >>共 575
decision 16.60%
course 10.67%
trend 6.72%
position 3.19%
role 3.14%
policy 2.31%
decline 2.13%
loss 2.08%
direction 1.96%
ruling 1.94%
judgment 0.54%
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