1.   Another method reverses the direction of flow, with the water moving upwards through coarse and then fine material.

2.   Indeed it reverses the direction, as we shall see.

3.   Many lace patterns are vertically symmetrical so there seems little point in trying to reverse the direction anyway.

4.   The second assumption is that the stream can not move backwards on itself, that is, reverse its direction or join itself.

5.   The dance teacher had to keep reminding us to kick our hindmost foot when we reversed direction.

6.   The runners reversed their direction on the track.

7.   The second assumption is that the stream cannot move backwards on itself, that is, reverse its direction or join itself.

8.   Scottish services would have to reverse direction in terminal platforms.

9.   What would you do to reverse the direction of the ammeter needles first movement, B?

10.   An information barrier keeps it from reversing directions, so onward into the Romantic repertory and perhaps beyond.

v. + direction >>共 260
change 14.49%
follow 10.56%
give 9.69%
reverse 3.88%
take 3.73%
ask 3.10%
provide 3.10%
lack 2.96%
await 2.42%
get 2.37%
reverse + n. >>共 575
decision 16.60%
course 10.67%
trend 6.72%
position 3.19%
role 3.14%
policy 2.31%
decline 2.13%
loss 2.08%
direction 1.96%
ruling 1.94%
每页显示:    共 80