1.   Table III summarises the results during the placebo and loperamide oxide phases of the study.

2.   Even doctors who believe there is little to distinguish the competing product lines fear the legal risks they run if they get poor results during a switch-over.

3.   For example, students can complete a heat transfer experiment and analyze the results during the same class.

4.   GM doctors revealed the results during a medical symposium in Detroit earlier this month.

5.   Ito did agree with a plea from Douglas to restrict witnesses and attorneys from revealing specific DNA test results during the so-called Kelly-Frye hearings.

6.   McLellan did not rule out the possibility of running poll results during the voting period but acknowledged the difficult question raised by that scenario.

7.   Other St. Louis stocks had mixed results during the week.

8.   The company has also disappointed investors with poor results during the past three quarters.

9.   U.S. companies will report third-quarter results during the next three weeks.

10.   Vice President Al Gore, as president of the Senate, announces the results during a joint session of Congress.

n. + during >>共 1763
time 2.15%
point 0.77%
issue 0.69%
place 0.65%
injury 0.55%
official 0.54%
country 0.53%
game 0.48%
force 0.47%
leader 0.47%
result 0.05%
result + p. >>共 53
of 63.85%
in 9.24%
from 8.04%
for 4.73%
on 2.55%
to 1.55%
at 1.35%
after 1.28%
with 1.24%
by 1.13%
during 0.14%
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