result of 760.44   A lot depends on the result of this match.
  result in 110.01   The result in Dalby is preserved.
  result from 95.79   Best results from more rubbing with less polish.
  result for 56.35   Auto stocks posted mixed results for the week.
  result on 30.41   Full results on Thursday.
  result to 18.50   He mailed the results to me.
  result at 16.06   Second-round results at the Masters.
  result after 15.21   Results after a mastectomy can be dramatic.
  result with 14.75   A similar result with local NBA fans.
  result by 13.43   They hope to have results by winter.
  result as 12.90   Rose took the results as a positive development.
  result before 4.81   She wanted to know the results before anyone else.
  result than 4.67   Ceri got better results than she expected.
  result against 3.09   His team got mediocre results against tough opponents.
  result into 2.50   She turns the results into art.
  result within 2.44   They expect results within a few weeks.
  result because_of 2.37   Analysts expect lackluster results because of new taxes.
  result until 2.37   The talks had produced few results until now.
  result over 1.91   He valued results over fame.
  result during 1.71   There were few corporate results during the week.
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