1.   Researchers said the discovery could provide a new way for doctors to diagnose the severity of cancer cases.

2.   The mutation has no functional significance and controls no traits, researchers say.

3.   The researchers said more investigation was needed into whether vaccinations or pesticides played a part.

4.   Researchers say, however, many families prefer teaching at home because they feel the idea of public schooling is not modern.

5.   The researchers say that the value of the data will increase as the record becomes longer.

6.   The researchers say in some cases the after effects can compare with those suffered by survivors of major tragedies like the Zebrugree disaster.

7.   All told, the Arizona State researchers said, the NASA measurements were not precise enough to be conclusive.

8.   Although no animals recovered voluntary movement, the researchers said they were able to set off leg muscle activity with electrical stimulation.

9.   Although not all their theories were borne out, the researchers said they had found significantly more health problems reported among those with the worst debt-income ratio.

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