1.   A team of executives from Diefenbach Elkins and HerdBuoys will soon begin canvassing South African consumers and airline employees as well as reviewing research among fliers in overseas markets.

2.   Ekman and others speculated that elevation might be a kind of awe, which has become a favored topic of research among emotion specialists.

3.   Graham said she wrote her article because she wanted to see the list makers conduct additional research among the students themselves before ranking the institutions.

4.   Hicks said several major labs would share research among the services while smaller facilities would cater to individual services.

5.   Is it nearly impossible, as critics of the New Main allege, to conduct research among its stacks?

6.   Most cognition research among primates has focused on the higher-profile African apes.

7.   Research among sweepstakes entrants, measuring their attitudes about Florida citrus, is possible.

8.   Several polls have found majority support for the research among Catholics and evangelical Christians as well as those not active in an organized religion.

9.   She combined these with her other research among Western European, African and Native-American cuisines that have worked their way into Southern cooking.

10.   The campaign was developed after research among teen-agers to determine which messages would resonate most prominently among them.

n. + among >>共 1306
support 2.52%
concern 2.29%
competition 1.72%
debate 1.01%
casualty 0.99%
difference 0.97%
fear 0.96%
cooperation 0.94%
chief 0.92%
rate 0.81%
research 0.04%
research + p. >>共 70
on 28.54%
into 16.84%
in 13.80%
at 9.71%
for 6.89%
by 5.37%
with 3.86%
to 2.53%
of 2.08%
from 1.83%
among 0.32%
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