1.   He should allow press representatives to witness the re-creation if for no other reason than to assure the American people that this phase is no whitewash.

2.   The compromise also would have authorized Conservative and Reform rabbis to officiate at weddings, though the ceremonies would have to be witnessed by representatives of the Orthodox rabbinate.

3.   McWilliams said his company protects itself by having a representative witness all signings.

4.   The event was witnessed by representatives from seven European royal houses and other dignitaries.

5.   The Independent International Commission on Decommissioning confirmed the IRA statement, saying its representatives had witnessed the decommissioning of the weapons.

n. + witness >>共 229
leader 3.42%
journalist 3.42%
world 3.23%
reporter 2.85%
year 2.47%
people 2.47%
official 2.28%
country 1.71%
fan 1.71%
correspondent 1.52%
representative 0.95%
representative + v. >>共 503
say 14.64%
be 14.38%
meet 4.60%
attend 3.02%
have 2.52%
tell 1.61%
visit 1.41%
decline 1.08%
sign 1.02%
call 1.00%
witness 0.15%
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