representative say 32.92   Call back later, the representative said.
  representative be 32.32   But labor representatives are worried.
  representative meet 10.34   Their representatives meet regularly with ASEAN.
  representative attend 6.78   Yugoslav representatives did not attend.
  representative have 5.66   A Union Bank representative had no comment.
  representative tell 3.62   Finally, a representative told him to go to the airport.
  representative visit 3.16   ICRC representatives visit the two prisoners regularly, Risse said.
  representative decline 2.44   CBS representatives declined comment.
  representative sign 2.30   Brave customer representative signed messsages with full name.
  representative call 2.24   Many other representatives called, wanting to talk to him.
  representative hold 2.24   Elected representatives hold office for three years.
  representative take 2.11   Union representatives will also take part in the tour.
  representative join 1.97   A Trans Cosmos representative is joining the Symbologic board.
  representative accompany 1.91   They were accompanied by representatives of the USA Rice Federation.
  representative agree 1.91   UNITA representative Samondo agreed.
  representative come 1.91   Athlete representatives have also come under fire.
  representative refuse 1.91   GM representatives refused to comment.
  representative return 1.91   Union representatives did not return phone calls.
  representative express 1.71   But union representatives expressed concern.
  representative deny 1.65   Industry representatives deny this, however.
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