1.   Giant abruptly Decided not to hire the temporary replacement workers.

2.   Giant started the week advertising for temporary replacement workers for its warehouses.

3.   It ended with replacement workers being hired.

4.   They were in-stalling trailers to house replacement workers, and getting helicopters and squads of guards to police the area.

5.   When they went back to their desks to collect their belongings, they found younger replacement workers already in their seats.

6.   Their threat to hire replacement workers has the union with its back to the wall.

7.   During the clashes, the replacement workers sat with their heads bowed and covered in the buses as the vehicles inched forward against the press of bodies.

8.   An interview that an anxious and angry Dykstra had given right before owners opened spring training with replacement workers fueled the speculation.

9.   And if the resistance continues, might Bridgestone-Firestone hire replacement workers?

10.   And as an unrepentant member of the labor-friendly Democratic Party, Angelos also applauds any government or government official opposing replacement workers.

n. + worker >>共 532
aid 15.33%
rescue 12.07%
construction 5.03%
relief 4.35%
office 2.75%
government 2.71%
health 2.69%
factory 2.39%
farm 2.03%
oil 1.66%
replacement 0.99%
replacement + n. >>共 604
player 17.02%
worker 6.64%
part 5.14%
surgery 4.70%
game 2.69%
team 2.52%
baseball 2.15%
reactor 1.84%
tire 1.70%
umpire 1.46%
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