1.   When ready to serve, reheat the soup to boiling point and pour into a heated tureen.

2.   I reheated some soup for lunch.

3.   Before serving, reheat the soup over low heat, taste and adjust the seasonings.

4.   Add milk or cream when reheating the soup.

5.   Add the light cream and milk and reheat the soup carefully, so it does not boil.

6.   After defrosting, reheat the soup, stir in the sorrel and cook only until it wilts.

7.   For best results, make the soup base and add the potato puree when reheating the soup.

8.   If desired, reheat the soup over medium heat.

9.   Place the pot over low heat, to reheat soup.

10.   Reheat soups from the refrigerator on top of the stove or in the microwave until heated through, stirring often.

v. + soup >>共 170
make 9.85%
serve 8.97%
ladle 7.21%
puree 4.12%
eat 3.68%
stir 2.35%
have 2.35%
pour 1.91%
drink 1.76%
return 1.62%
reheat 1.62%
reheat + n. >>共 53
sauce 18.18%
soup 11.11%
mixture 7.07%
food 4.04%
inflation 3.03%
meat 3.03%
mushroom 2.02%
broth 2.02%
leftover 2.02%
meal 2.02%
每页显示:    共 11