1.   The effusions of Vaneigem have an air of mystical revelation which is even more intense in recent publications.

2.   BNFL and the nuclear industry in general received some strong backing in two recent publications -- and from the pen of two influential people.

3.   Recent publications indicate a variety of settings -- the assessment of inflammatory bowel disease, detection of sepsis, and prognosis of acute pancreatitis being the most prominent.

4.   Of the few very recent publications in languages other than English, most had been acquired by purchase.

5.   And many books that have a recent publication date cite Web resources, giving these sites extra points on the credibility scale.

6.   After recent publication of a letter to the editor, Straley received many supportive phone calls, but also a few disturbing ones.

7.   I am reminded of the power of this wondrous conception once again by the recent publication of yet another book that gives witness to life in the camps.

8.   It is one of several recent publications on personal finance aimed at African-Americans.

9.   On the occasion of the recent publication of that book, Martin agreed to an interview, with the understanding that the talk would be authorial.

10.   The calls, she said, may have been inspired by the recent publication of a newsletter by the group, the Committee to Save Adelphi.

a. + publication >>共 563
new 3.57%
national 3.40%
foreign 2.76%
official 2.13%
print 1.84%
major 1.73%
monthly 1.61%
weekly 1.55%
local 1.50%
independent 1.44%
recent 1.15%
recent + n. >>共 673
year 20.30%
week 9.12%
month 8.79%
day 6.38%
poll 1.39%
report 1.18%
study 1.09%
interview 1.05%
history 1.03%
visit 0.76%
publication 0.02%
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