new publication 4.08   Most new publications have a short lifespan.
  national publication 3.88   People from national publications.
  foreign publication 3.16   Most foreign publications are banned.
  official publication 2.44   The newsletter is an official publication of the Royal Thai Army.
  print publication 2.11   Like a print publication, it numbers its pages.
  major publication 1.97   He had only one major publication.
  monthly publication 1.84   It will continue to be a monthly publication.
  weekly publication 1.78   The Friday Times is a weekly publication based in Lahore, Pakistan.
  local publication 1.71   Several advertise in local publications.
  independent publication 1.65   The Jakarta Post is an independent publication.
  mainstream publication 1.58   But any similarity to mainstream publications ends there.
  online publication 1.58   But a couple of online publications are going further.
  gay publication 1.38   The ad runs in gay publications.
  electronic publication 1.32   Unlike many other electronic publications, Slate will not be free.
  recent publication 1.32   Its most recent publication is a comprehensive edition on the all-male clergy.
  financial publication 1.18   Or you could read articles in financial publications.
  free publication 1.05   Listings can be found in bicycling magazines and free publications at bike stores.
  american publication 0.99   He also oversaw other American military publications.
  leading publication 0.92   In June, the government banned three leading publications.
  british publication 0.86   British publications, he said, compete for stories.
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