1.   Do such rebate schemes represent a whole new way of corporate finance, in effect transforming consumers into unwitting and uninformed venture capitalists?

2.   Bush opposes the rebate scheme without a commitment to permanently reducing tax rates.

3.   It also pledged to modify rebate schemes encouraging large mail-order customers not to use rival services.

4.   It also favoured flexibility in labour policy, a WTO-compatible export credit strategy and effective tax rebate schemes.

n. + scheme >>共 733
pyramid 11.79%
investment 11.27%
color 5.84%
pension 3.43%
kickback 1.95%
saving 1.91%
tax 1.27%
retirement 1.11%
fraud 1.02%
compensation 0.96%
rebate 0.12%
rebate + n. >>共 56
check 33.73%
program 16.08%
offer 5.88%
plan 3.92%
system 3.14%
form 2.35%
amount 1.96%
coupon 1.96%
payment 1.96%
card 1.57%
scheme 1.57%
每页显示:    共 4