rebate check 5.66   Take the rebate checks.
  rebate program 2.70   But they also endorse the rebate program.
  rebate offer 0.99   Advertised prices often are based on rebate offers.
  rebate plan 0.66   HBO better consider a customer rebate plan.
  rebate system 0.53   Abe said Fuji Photo Film abolished a similar rebate system implemented in Japan some five years ago.
  rebate form 0.39   - Fill out the rebate form carefully.
  rebate amount 0.33   And if you owe more than the rebate amount, of course that balance remains to be paid.
  rebate coupon 0.33   All three came with rebate coupons.
  rebate payment 0.33   A boom in exports -- and rebate payments -- last year threatened to drain state reserves.
  rebate application 0.26   Rebate applications are available at appliance dealers in St. Croix and St. Thomas.
  rebate card 0.26   General Electric and Apple Computer have similar rebate cards.
  rebate money 0.26   Some people are sending rebate money directly to schools in their neighborhoods.
  rebate problem 0.26   Who do you call if there are rebate problems?
  rebate scheme 0.26   Bush opposes the rebate scheme without a commitment to permanently reducing tax rates.
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