1.   I brought these kids home, and they were all real losers.

2.   The real losers will, for all I know, eat dirt.

3.   If the strike continues, the people of Galway will be the real losers.

4.   Whoever benefits from the new government programs, the real loser will be the American taxpayer.

5.   The government was not to be a real loser.

6.   -- Because, you know, when grocers go on strike, the shoppers are the real losers.

7.   A real loser of a levy.

8.   But the real loser, almost regardless of what happens to Kushner, could be the original winner, Rahman.

9.   But the real loser is director Schlesinger.

a. + loser >>共 303
biggest 22.86%
big 15.38%
sore 4.77%
lucky 3.42%
real 3.42%
only 1.85%
early 1.78%
main 1.71%
perennial 1.57%
lovable 1.42%
real + n. >>共 1189
life 4.72%
world 3.84%
thing 3.20%
problem 2.65%
name 2.11%
issue 1.51%
people 1.48%
reason 1.39%
power 1.31%
test 1.26%
loser 0.18%
每页显示:    共 48