1.   But when he began suggesting that there were major problems with reactor safety, he became an outcast.

2.   Russia also recently joined an accord on reactor safety.

3.   Some of the joint work is research in such noncontroversial fields as reactor safety or cleanup technology.

4.   The fear that deregulation may compromise reactor safety has often been voiced but, experts say, seldom if ever borne out.

5.   Besides concerns for reactor safety, experts stressed the need for adequate financial and technical aid to develop replacement power.

6.   He also discussed burying radioactive waste, reactor safety and nuclear proliferation, Interfax said.

n. + safety >>共 317
food 10.56%
air 5.20%
school 4.00%
fire 3.69%
road 3.43%
aviation 3.22%
airline 2.96%
gun 2.96%
workplace 2.86%
worker 2.76%
reactor 0.31%
reactor + n. >>共 114
project 9.89%
fuel 9.45%
core 7.25%
site 4.40%
sale 4.40%
deal 4.18%
model 3.52%
building 3.30%
compartment 3.30%
design 3.08%
safety 1.32%
每页显示:    共 6