1.   There is a tremendous amount of potential improvement in this field to be gained from biotechnological research on reactor designs, materials, cultures and so on.

2.   In a plasma composed of fuel capable of undergoing thermonuclear fusion, that research could lead to more economical reactor designs.

3.   It was a combination of human error and fundamental flaws in reactor design that led to the Chernobyl meltdown.

4.   The botched experiment and the reactor explosion that followed were partly due to human incompetence, but the reactor design was flawed.

5.   Although originally based on U.S. technology, South Korean reactor design has been localized over the years, and the modern ones are widely considered thoroughly South Korea.

6.   Although originally based on U.S. technology, South Korean reactor design has been localized over the years, and the modern ones are widely considered thoroughly South Korean.

7.   Environmentalists have questioned the safety of the plant, which combines Soviet reactor design with Western fuel and safety technology.

8.   It resulted from a badly conceived safety experiment and was aggravated by faulty reactor design.

9.   Pyongyang says it does not recognize South Korean reactor designs.

10.   Seoul says it will pay only if its reactor design is adopted.

n. + design >>共 794
product 3.73%
production 2.23%
fashion 2.18%
ballot 2.03%
chip 1.89%
computer 1.74%
furniture 1.60%
car 1.60%
landscape 1.45%
aircraft 1.21%
reactor 0.68%
reactor + n. >>共 114
project 9.89%
fuel 9.45%
core 7.25%
site 4.40%
sale 4.40%
deal 4.18%
model 3.52%
building 3.30%
compartment 3.30%
design 3.08%
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