1.   Across the European Union, authorities concede that public institutions are often tainted by racism.

2.   Racism tainted every turn of the investigation, the report said.

3.   The family says it believes racism tainted the inquiry.

4.   The state Supreme Court has turned down the appeal of a convicted murderer who claimed his trial was tainted by racism.

n. + taint >>共 144
scandal 12.25%
allegation 9.60%
corruption 5.63%
fraud 4.30%
charge 2.98%
product 2.98%
publicity 1.66%
suspicion 1.66%
accusation 1.32%
association 1.32%
racism 1.32%
racism + v. >>共 105
be 45.34%
exist 4.15%
play 3.63%
motivate 2.85%
have 2.33%
remain 2.07%
keep 1.30%
persist 1.30%
run 1.30%
continue 1.04%
taint 1.04%
每页显示:    共 4