scandal taint 2.44   His government has been tainted by scandal.
  allegation taint 1.91   Early career tainted by allegations of steroid abuse.
  corruption taint 1.12   Previous aid deals have been tainted by corruption.
  fraud taint 0.86   He alleged that some results were tainted by fraud.
  charge taint 0.59   Previous aid deals have been tainted by charges of corruption.
  product taint 0.59   The company has been losing money since lawsuits involving the sale of blood products tainted with HIV virus.
  publicity taint 0.33   A university professor hired by the defense has argued that publicity has tainted the local jury pool.
  suspicion taint 0.33   But that service has sometimes been tainted by suspicion.
  accusation taint 0.26   But the May vote was tainted by accusations of military coercion.
  association taint 0.26   Annual flowers have long been tainted by association with gaudy bedding schemes.
  racism taint 0.26   The family says it believes racism tainted the inquiry.
  report taint 0.26   Defense attorney John Robbins said the reports had tainted the jury pool.
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