1.   The first question concerns the individual, structural, and cultural factors that motivate people to rebel.

2.   The next obvious question concerns the reasonableness of such a range of conditions.

3.   The second question concerns the types of groups most likely to comprise the largest support for violent rebellions or revolutionary movements.

4.   A key question concerns the types of social contact that may be associated with a high risk of transmission of P cepacia.

5.   These questions concern the model of speech processing.

6.   Candidates say that on the doorstep, education questions concern mainly national policies.

7.   But a more subtle question concerns the terms on which the United States gained this access.

8.   And indicate that your question concerns Weddings.

9.   Another divisive question concerns the final political status of the Kosovo region.

10.   Another question concerns management at Time Warner.

n. + concern >>共 617
issue 3.98%
question 3.06%
case 2.93%
report 2.22%
story 1.69%
decision 1.63%
dispute 1.56%
problem 1.50%
first 1.37%
most 1.11%
question + v. >>共 282
be 65.79%
remain 5.83%
arise 2.55%
come 2.00%
have 1.48%
become 1.23%
seem 1.03%
ask 0.91%
linger 0.68%
go 0.60%
concern 0.37%
每页显示:    共 47