1.   The first concerns her obsession with purity and her ambivalent attitude towards it.

2.   The first concerns the best method of allocating the scarce foreign exchange currently available.

3.   The first concerns the definition of confidential information.

4.   The first concerns the continuing insistence that class and class-based processes are necessarily the principal mechanisms underlying uneven development and social change.

5.   The first concerns the controllers, or managers, to which Weberians give such emphasis.

6.   The first concerns stamp duty.

7.   The first concerns John Harmon, the title figure, believed dead and protected by an alias for his romantic attentions to Bella Wilfer.

8.   The first concerns a florist who arranges bouquets that convey literal messages according the symbolic meaning of the individual flowers.

9.   The first concerns allocating money among several Vanguard funds.

10.   The first concerns small children.

n. + concern >>共 617
issue 3.98%
question 3.06%
case 2.93%
report 2.22%
story 1.69%
decision 1.63%
dispute 1.56%
problem 1.50%
first 1.37%
most 1.11%
first + v. >>共 435
be 56.29%
come 3.67%
involve 1.55%
time 1.11%
have 0.93%
set 0.86%
visit 0.79%
take 0.79%
concern 0.75%
go 0.65%
每页显示:    共 21