1.   The little orange saws, held at the correct angle, cut through pumpkin flesh like butter.

2.   The somewhat sweet and nutty flavor of pumpkin flesh is extremely versatile and can be used in many savory recipes.

3.   Then cut the pumpkin flesh into wedges or cubes, depending on the recipe.

4.   Use a knife and a spoon to carefully remove the remaining pumpkin flesh and seeds.

5.   When he pierces pumpkin flesh with his serrated blade, he slices and he saws.

a. + flesh >>共 251
human 14.94%
rotting 5.65%
burning 3.23%
white 2.83%
burned 2.42%
soft 2.29%
decaying 1.88%
dead 1.75%
red 1.75%
pink 1.62%
pumpkin 0.67%
pumpkin + n. >>共 126
pie 27.73%
seed 9.32%
soup 4.77%
patch 3.86%
puree 3.18%
mixture 2.95%
bread 2.05%
shell 1.59%
head 1.36%
cheesecake 1.36%
flesh 1.14%
每页显示:    共 5