1.   It is to have protesters scream your name at your car window when you get to work and to train their video cameras silently upon you when you leave.

2.   No reaction when protesters scream anti-LDS slogans on Salt Lake City street corners.

3.   Outside the meeting, protesters scream for better drugs.

4.   In Boston on Sunday, protesters screamed at Cardinal Bernard Law as he left the Holy Cross Cathedral.

5.   Rival protesters scream epithets at their foes.

6.   The protesters screamed anti-Kim slogans, holding up placards calling for the resignation of all cabinet members for mismanagement of state affairs.

n. + scream >>共 305
people 7.02%
woman 5.48%
child 4.97%
fan 3.70%
crowd 3.44%
jet 3.32%
girl 3.19%
boy 2.42%
man 1.79%
kid 1.66%
protester 0.77%
protester + v. >>共 728
say 5.61%
be 5.08%
throw 3.00%
demand 2.87%
march 2.33%
burn 2.23%
try 2.04%
block 1.75%
call 1.55%
gather 1.48%
scream 0.10%
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