people scream 3.62   People scream.
  woman scream 2.83   A woman screams.
  child scream 2.57   Children scream.
  fan scream 1.91   The fans are screaming.
  crowd scream 1.78   The crowd screamed.
  jet scream 1.71   Fighter jets screamed low overhead.
  girl scream 1.65   Girls screamed.
  boy scream 1.25   The boy screamed for help.
  man scream 0.92   The man was screaming and crying.
  kid scream 0.86   Kids are screaming.
  siren scream 0.86   Sirens screamed.
  headline scream 0.79   BUSH KNEW, the headlines scream.
  mother scream 0.79   My mother screamed.
  passenger scream 0.79   Passengers were screaming.
  wife scream 0.79   My wife screamed.
  wind scream 0.59   The wind screamed.
  baby scream 0.53   The baby screamed with hunger.
  relative scream 0.53   Their relatives screamed and wept.
  victim scream 0.53   That scene is not shown, but the victim screams loudly.
  protester scream 0.39   Rival protesters scream epithets at their foes.
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