1.   It applies the techniques of industrial production to the task of promoting consumption.

2.   It promotes consumption rather than savings.

3.   Part of the investment will go toward promoting soft drink consumption in Venezuela, which is among the lowest in Latin America, officials said.

4.   This sensitivity led the Central Committee on Savings Promotion to change its name to the Central Council for Savings Information and to begin promoting consumption.

5.   To boost demand, the industry agreed to invest an unspecified amount of money into a joint marketing campaign to promote cranberry consumption, Ocean Spray said.

6.   What does Kuempel think about promoting roadkill consumption?

7.   In addition, it called for an EU campaign to promote beef consumption and sharpened monitoring methods to detect livestock disease.

8.   Wheeler said the company plans to promote the consumption of Coca-Cola soft drinks at home.

v. + consumption >>共 193
reduce 15.33%
boost 5.65%
cut 5.15%
increase 5.03%
limit 4.65%
encourage 2.26%
curb 2.26%
spur 2.14%
stimulate 2.01%
discourage 1.88%
promote 1.01%
promote + n. >>共 889
growth 2.23%
product 1.75%
use 1.71%
investment 1.66%
development 1.63%
cooperation 1.63%
peace 1.60%
idea 1.49%
tourism 1.38%
democracy 1.37%
consumption 0.08%
每页显示:    共 8